Our unlimited online class pass is the most cost-effective way to do our online classes. These passes give you access to all online classes (excluding online courses) every week, on Zoom and On Demand.
Here are some of the benefits of being an unlimited online class pass holder:
For only £30.00 you get access to all of this for 30 days:
- Yoga, Pilates, Mind & Body Intervals and Relax & Restore classes – LIVE on Zoom.
- Full premium access to our On Demand Studio, containing workouts you can do anytime, with inspiring music playlists and themes.
- Support from us – you can ask us questions about specific exercises, mind and body fitness goals, nutrition and more. We care deeply about our students’ wellbeing, so just as you might seek an instructor’s advice after class at the gym, contacting us with questions is the online equivalent!
- Accountability and community – we’re all working together towards the common goal of living a mindful and happy life.
We can’t wait to help you #getmindandbodyfit.